Viagra overdose?
"...And this, my fellows, is why our wives
were always late getting home."
"Then you vigorously move your clenched
fist up and down the shaft, like so..."
"Gentlemen, I present to you...Frankencock!"
The force was strong in this one.
Cause of death: lack of blood flow to rest
of body
Men, I will demonstrate to you my sword
swallowing technique
"Can I hold the big penis next? Ooops, did
I say that out loud?"
"Just checking his pulse"
"Obviously, we can't bury it... I mean,
"Okay, who knows how to do a penis
"And after only six applications of my
magic creme..."
" He could have had your eyes out with that
Not all men are created equal.
"OK.. So how do we close the coffin lid??"
"As soon as everyone gets a chance to hold
it, we'll call an ambulance"
"Sorry gentlemen he promised he would
donate this organ to me"
"We can`t hear you...please speak into the